Evangelischer Kirchentag – Für einen klaren und lebensbejahenden Standpunkt zur Drohnentechnologie

Wir bitten die Kirchenleitungen in Deutschland, den Bundestag, den Bundesrat, die Bundesregierung und den Herrn Bundespräsidenten herzlichst darum,
1.) sich für Nichtentwicklung, Nichtproduktion und Nichtexport von Drohnentechnologie zu engagieren, soweit diese absehbar für Krieg oder für die Überwachung und Unterdrückung von Menschen eingesetzt wird
2.) sich für ein internationales Abkommen zur Ächtung von bewaffneten Drohnen und autonomen Kampfsystemen einzusetzen

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Protecting Drone Crimes – Report on Hancock Air Field Civil Resistance – Bruce K. Gagnon

More people will join this Gandhian wave.

People clearly understand that we must protect the peace, the innocents, social progress here at home and defend our basic right to protest injustice and wars. We have no other choice.

read here


[Independent] Behind the use of drones is a complacent belief that murdering Muslims is always justifiable

Millions of irreproachable Muslims are bewildered and enraged by this global vendetta which seems determined to annihilate modernism, occidental values, and also to destabilise some of the poorest and most hapless of nation states for reasons not made clear at all.


[warisacrime.org] Anti-Drone Protest in the German Parliament

Three women and one man from the Berlin Peace Coordination intervened yesterday during the parliamentary debate in Berlin regarding possible German acquisition of weaponized drones. The anti-drone activists, who are co-founders of the campaign “No Combat Drones!,” sought to call attention the gravity of the upcoming decision by the German government, either for or against weaponized drones, in light of the growing international struggle to ban such weapons.

